Manage your unstoppable data growth more efficiently with Ultrium Data Backup Tapes

From small scale up to large scale businesses, increasing market rivalry and growing consumerism have resulted a colossal demand for a more capable and intelligent data backup solution where fewer organizations would disagree with their massively growing data backup demands and their greater emphasis on identifying not only the best but the most efficient and reliable solution that promises greater longevity.

More than 50% of the global businesses have been identified managing storage capacities that start from 1TB and reaches up to a total of 99TB. From established data farms up to cloud data backup solutions, there are a number of reasons that causes you data loss. A recent research conducted by Dr. David M Smith from Pepperdine University identifies the following set of variables that are largely involved in causing significant data loss;

  • Hardware Failure
  • Human Error
  • Malfunctioned Software
  • Data Theft
  • Computer Virus
  • Natural Disasters

IT Managers who are less concerned about what’s actually going on with their data backup strategies would be astound of knowing the fact that Dr. Smith identifies “Hardware Failure” that accounts for 40% global data loss incidents.

Now let us come back to the place where we started exploring how we could efficiently manage our businesses’ ever growing data storage demands and the need for more reliable archival solutions for storing customers’ confidential data and several other organizational set of data encircling research and development up to specific private business data.

Indeed, so many evidences suggest that up to 83% of lost data can be retrieved but the stakes for data recovery are really higher than anything else either you consider the cost of time or the total operational cost of the various processes.

Device Deals

A number of industry critics can be easily seen digging deeper into the discrete insights and several contrasts between different data backup solutions with that of today’s magnetic data backup tape technology. Let us take a look around what these industry critics’ views are and why magnetic media tapes have become one of the best data backup solutions for businesses’ growing data archival needs.

While looking into one of the most generalized data recovery scenarios, what do you really consider when it comes to calculating the entire cost of data recovery ? Yes, you might consider the tangible factors where overseeing the intangible factors actually causes you extra costs. From the total cost of ownership up to the entire set of business key productivity variables, actually you have to compromise a lot that’s more than the cost of invested time and resources.

Data security and reliability continues to grow with a massive pace and organizations have learned how to strategically cater their growing data backup demands where Ultrium LTO Tapes have become the center of gravity for a number of reasons as listed below;
Let us consider  HP C7976A and C7976W LTO-6 Data Backup Tapes for their prodigious features;

  • Extended storage capacity of 6.25TB compressed data.
  • An undeniable writing speed that reaches up to a total of 400MB/Sec.
  • Recording Density of 384.6 Kbits/inch.
  • Improved data security and reliability.
  • Intelligent smart grabber and interlocking mechanisms that brings greater efficiency.
  • WORM capabilities that allow choosing between write-once-read-many.
  • Linear Tape File System.
  • Custom Cartridge Labels.
  • The Longest data archival life.

In addition to the above mentioned businesses’ most demanded key performance variables, these magnetic media tapes have become invincible even when it comes to affordability and the total cost of ownership of these high-end magnetic tapes for businesses.

Within a minor sum of cost these tapes have not only proved ensuring absolute data longevity but, renowned manufacturers namely HP, IBM and Seagate have successfully positioned themselves on top of the list for the majority of businesses across the globe. Many other online and offline data storage solution companies continues to rival amongst each other in the quest of becoming the most effective data solutions for businesses based on many reasons but outpacing magnetic media backup tapes still seems invincible in the majority of today’s industry critics.

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